The Power of Intentional Social Media
Each year, I give myself a special gift—an intentional month off from social media and the online world. It's my chance to fully embrace the summer break and school holidays with my family, and to let the world slow down for a bit. In a world that constantly pulls us in, this time off feels like a warm, grounding hug for my soul. And every year, without fail, I return feeling refreshed, with new perspectives and gentle shifts that guide me forward.
If you're someone who craves balance, who longs to surrender to what feels right while also embracing the beauty of where you are in life, then this message is for you.
This year, I was taken by surprise by what unfolded. Two simple moments that led to a profound shift.
For those of you who’ve been walking alongside me for almost seven years, you might remember how this journey began. I’ve always known that I love being online—otherwise, I wouldn’t do what I do or scaled a business that way. But during this year's break, something shifted deep within me. I had a moment of pure clarity. I realised just how much joy it brings me to create, to connect, to inspire. I truly love it—storytelling, filming, editing, writing, sharing, connecting, and all the beautiful ways we can build something meaningful together. It’s a joy that fills my heart.
And yet, I also know that I’m not alone when I say social media can sometimes feel like it takes more than it gives. Maybe you’ve felt that too, the overwhelming pressure to always be "on." The urge to constantly consume or compare. But what if it didn’t have to feel that way? What if you could embrace the digital world in a way that feels authentic and purposeful for you?
That’s where the magic lies.
You see, this isn’t just about taking a break and coming back with big hopes of doing things differently. I’ve tried that before—many of us have. We make grand promises to establish new boundaries and be more intentional, only to fall right back into old habits. But here’s the key: It’s not about one big reset. It’s about small, intentional choices that we make every single day.
The real shift comes when we choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with social media year-round.
By setting clear, gentle boundaries, we can embrace the online world with open arms, without letting it consume us. It becomes a tool for creation, connection, and inspiration—rather than a source of burnout and consumption. This takes practice, of course, especially for those of us who intertwine our businesses with our lives. When everything is so deeply woven into the fabric of our homes, it’s easy for those lines to blur. But by treating our online space as a job—one that requires intention, boundaries, and care—we create a life that feels more in flow. The way you engage with social media—whether for creation, inspiration, or connection—will naturally evolve based on your purpose and intentions for it.
And then came my second realisation—a few days after I embraced just how much I love the digital world, (and slightly missed creating online in in week two) I had a beautiful "ah-ha" moment. I found myself doing exactly what I always teach: Create over consume. Out of habit, opening Instagram to create, but since I had no content to create in that moment, I started consuming! Without a clear intention or purpose, we can easily slip into mindless consumption. And that can go into every aspect of our lives!
The good news? I caught myself—gently and without judgement. In that moment, I realised I had a choice. I could continue down the path of mindless consumption even when I said I was ‘taking a month off social media and work’ , or I could shift my focus back to what truly matters. And just like that, I redirected my energy and creativity—diving into 2025 planning, connecting with clients, and embracing wild, imaginative play with my kids as we built fairy gardens and forts together. It was a simple shift, but one that brought me back to a place of true purpose and joy.
The reality is, there is always improvement to be made, and a saying I love is, "Up until now, when we know better, we do better," because creating meaningful home and life truly requires daily practice and gentle reminders, from time to time.
If you’ve ever felt drained or overwhelmed by social media, if you’ve ever wished for a more meaningful relationship with the online world, then know this: you’re not alone. You have the power to create a digital life that works for you. A life where you can find joy in connection, creativity, and inspiration—without feeling pulled in a hundred different directions and drained.
3 Tips for Intentional Social Media Use and Living:
Set Clear Boundaries
Define specific times each day or week to engage with social media and stick to them. Whether it's for work or personal connection, setting limits helps prevent mindless scrolling and ensures you're engaging with purpose. e.g for me, "Meditate, journal and exercise then open the IG app at 6:30am to engage for 15 mins in feed".Create Over Consume
Make it a habit to create content, write, or engage in meaningful projects before you consume content. This simple shift will keep you focused on your goals rather than getting lost in the endless noise. Be clear about why you're going on social media—know your purpose before you dive in! e.g. for me, "I am creating two reels before engaging in my feed."Designate "Offline" Time
Set aside dedicated offline time for yourself, your family, or your creative projects. This helps you recharge and maintain a healthy balance, allowing you to return to your online world with fresh eyes and renewed energy. e.g. for me, "I take every Saturday and Sunday off from posting and engaging on socials."
Bonus tip: Follow people who inspire you to achieve great things and uplift you, rather than depleting your energy!
I recognise that my boundaries are quite specific and work-related, but that's necessary when the digital world is a key tool in your job. However, for many of you it could look something like this: no social media from 6am-9am and 4pm- 7pm and after 8pm.
What small intentional changes are you going to make today? How are you showing up today? How do you intend to show up each day with purpose, online and offline? Are you consuming or are you creating? Have a think on that for a moment..