How to make your bedroom feel like a retreat

Your bedroom plays a major role in your life. This is the room where you start and end each day, and the way you set it up and design it can support many other areas of your life: Improving your sleep, connecting with your partner, or simply creating a peaceful space where you can rest and rejuvenate. Before we get started, start by asking yourself why do you want your bedroom to feel like a retreat? What activities do you want your bedroom to support and facilitate? Could it be Daily journalling, meditation. How will it benefit you? Here are a few ways to make your bedroom feel like a retreat!

  • Declutter and Simplify: Start by decluttering your bedroom, say goodbye to random piles on the floor, clutter in the drawers and dusty old books on your nightstand. Put your clutter into four piles. keep, donate, recycle and rubbish. A bedroom with no clutter allows you to have space in your mind and time in your life for what matters most to you.

  • Relocate and edit: Everything needs a home. If you look around your bedroom, do you see items that don’t belong in there? Perhaps dirty dishes, bills and mail, work-related items, toys and games? Everything needs a home. And items like these, need to be relocated. Think about whatever needs to be relocated intentionally, and place it in its new home. Helpful tip: Make a list of what gets to stay, and what gets to leave. What if I have nappies or toys for my toddler that I need? I’ve been there, get yourself a pretty little basket with a lid to sit in the corner and put a few toys or nappies as needed in there. Don’t forget to make a list of all the items that do make the cut! E.g Bedding, decorative pillows, dresser, current reading materials, decor (including diffuser, linen spray, fresh flowers)

  • Colour palette: Now that you know how you want to feel in your space and what your goals are, choose a colour palette that reflects this. Colourful and vibrant textiles don’t exactly represent tranquility, (though each to their own) but nor does stark white! So think about a soothing colour palette that is peaceful, easy on the eye and something that reflects your style and your ideal life and bedroom. Here are some ideas: Soft neutrals, soft blues and greens…Read more about the power of colour and mood here. I often go with neutrals and draw colour from the hero elements in the room which are the painting and the rug. You can shop the look for textiles here.

  • Bedding and decorative pillows: Invest in high-quality bedding, pillows, and a comfortable mattress that supports a restful sleep. This can take time, but it’s worth it, we spend one-third of our lives sleeping. Lets make it good! But this is not just about enhancing the functionality in your life, this is about aesthetics and your personal style too.

  • Elevate and Personalise with decor: Nothing shouts a ‘retreat’ feeling more than fresh white sheets, plush decorative pillows, an area rug, floor kissing curtains and wooden decorative accents. Adding your personality (hello vintage pillows) into your bedroom will help you feel more connected with the space, thus loving it even more! Add fresh flowers or potted plants to feel connected with nature and beauty, and as you can, upgrade or ‘shop your home’ for artwork, photographs, jewellery storage, mirror or items that support your bedroom retreat goals!

  • Create the Ambiance and atmosphere: Incorporate layers of lighting such as bedside lamps, dimmable overhead lights and candles. (we prefer battery). Lighting plays a huge role in setting the tone and mood for your space, it can truly make or break a space! Integrate elements that soothe your senses and support sleep and relaxation such as essential oil diffusers and calming oils. (You can see our favourites here.) The aria starter kit is what I recommend everyone starting with!

  • Minimise Electronics: Ultimately, no matter what else you decide to do, your bedroom needs to be a place where you can rest. Going to bed with a buzz of phones, tablets and computers will not help you sleep well. The blue light emitted by screens (phones, tablets, computers, TVs) can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Avoiding screens at least one hour before bed allows your body to naturally wind down and prepare for sleep.

  • Positive habits and behaviour: Maintain a daily routine of three simple rules. Make your bed, clear your side table and hang up or fold away your clothes. A clean and tidy bedroom, encourages a restful sleep and calm mind. Starting your day with making your bed as the first task, sets you on the right foot for a productive day.

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