A thoughtful journal with insights and strategies to help you embrace an intentional approach to your home and daily life, bringing more calm and purpose.
Practice Gratitude
We're all familiar with the concept of gratitude, but what does it mean to actually practice it? In a nut shell, practicing gratitude involves consciously and regularly focusing on the things in your life that you are thankful for. It goes beyond simply feeling grateful and involves actively expressing and acknowledging your appreciation.
Three steps to a calmer home
Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt at ease, as if every element was meant to be exactly in that place?
Add Nature
Every week for the last decade I have dedicated a day to foraging and sprinkling flowers, plants or foliage around my home. In my teenage years I moved home a lot, and there were two things my mother and I always did when settling into the new property, one make our beds and two get some flowers for a vase in the kitchen!
Designing The Mood
We can often create a space that looks beautiful, but does it feel right?
I believe a home is a feeling, it is not something you can buy it is something you create!
Nine Years in Australia
A tale of a love story, mixed with the realisation of living in a foreign country, seasonal shifts, the strengthening of your roots and power your story holds.
Personal Story:The Genetic Mutation I Never Knew I had…
Today I want to thank you for the overwhelming response and genuine interest in my health journey. It's heartening to see how many of you have reached out with questions about the genetic mutation I have experienced. In light of this, I'd love to take a moment to delve a little deeper and share additional insights for those who are curious or may be going through a similar experience.
Essential Oils and Wellbeing
I am so excited you are here and interested in learning more about our Essential oils and toxic free products. We started using Young Living oils nearly three years ago with the sole purpose to create a healthier and safer home for our family, by minimising the chemicals and toxins we brought into our home. These oils have supported our family in more ways than I could have ever imagined, toxic free cleaning sleep, emotional support, kiddies, immune support, overall wellness, also making our home smell REALLY good because we kicked candles to the curb too! Our biggest goal is creating an intentional home with purpose and low- tox as best we can.
Wholesome Smoothie
As part of my gut health journey and restoring my gut flora, it meant I needed to eliminate certain foods from my diet and increase my intake of others. Starting my day with a smoothie is my favourite, I am able to get all the nutrients I need in one cup. It’s also good for on the run with kiddies of course. A key ingredient I add is Ningxia Red, this is my multivitamin whole food puree. (I take supplements too!)
Mindfulness and Anxiety
Twelve years ago, I was fortunate to be introduced to mindfulness by my Mum and a distant family friend. At that time, I was living in England with my Mum, in a transitional phase of my life, exploring different paths and interests. While working in a boutique interior design store and pursuing an upholstery diploma, I found myself struggling with feelings of loss, overwhelm, confusion, anxiety and even for a period, moments of depression.
My Journey To Restoring Gut Health
Today I share with you a detailed blog post on my gut health. After sharing online my diet and digestive issues, I had many questions, so I thought I would compile everything into a blog post for you.
Detox and Epsom Salt Baths
I thoroughly enjoy taking baths and find them incredibly soothing for both my body and mind.I’m sure many of us do! From a young age I remember enjoying the relaxation and comfort they provide, whether it was after a long day at school or to warm up after spending time outside in the English chilly weather.
Coffee Table Styling
Coffee table styling is honestly one of my all time favourites! A coffee table exists for function more than anything. You need a place to put your drinks, remotes, snacks After all. But the table is also an opportunity to create a vignette in your living room.
A Journey to healing.
As I sit here and finally put pen to paper, a genuine sigh of relief escapes me. Writing this blog post has been a journey in itself, with numerous false starts and hesitations. Those who know me well are aware of my love for thorough research and seeking answers before sharing my experiences. Over the past year, one question has consistently emerged both online and in-person: my health journey…
Crispy fluffy Roast potatoes
After sharing our potatoes on instagram many of you asked for the recipe! So here it is, the perfect roast potatoes, they’re light, fluffy and crispy!
Turmeric Gut Shot
Part of my health journey has been to reduce inflammation within my body and mind. (and continue to!) I do this through many ways, like good gut health, exercise, mindfulness, meditation, reducing chemicals and more.
Carrot and Walnut Cake
This is the best carrot and walnut cake I have ever made! It’s moist, light and tastes delicious. This was the first time making it gluten and dairy free, so honestly I was a little hesitant to start, but thanks to my MIL and her quality baking skills, she gave me her recipe to share with you!
One Pan Frittata
This One Pan Frittata is one of our family’s favourite things to make on the weekend or holidays. This filling, comforting meal is perfect anytime you need an easy and delicious breakfast or brunch. Eggs, bacon, spinach, and tomatoes blended together with just the perfect amount of seasonings make this a favourite for all ages!
Family Holiday to Indonesia
Our recent trip to Indonesia was amazing! It was our first holiday together as a family of four overseas that didn’t include visiting relatives. A long overdue trip that was postponed a few years…
30 days to a Clean Home
I made a very simple, and easy to-follow, 30 Days to a Clean Home Calendar for you!!!! I am so excited to start this in April, but really you can start anytime. The challenge is so easy, you’ll have a task each day to make Cleaning not so daunting.My biggest tip is to use plant-based products to complete each task, I have favourites below! You’ll be shocked to know you really only need a few products for cleaning and deep cleaning.